I meet patients every day who have a good diet, but they are not getting better. Despite their healthy diet and avoidance of many foods, they are unable to sleep better, lose weight, increase their energy and simply feel good. This often happens because their digestive system and their brain gets shut down by low blood sugar. One major factor in optimizing genes and optimizing health is timing our meals correctly and not skipping meals. And let me tell you, skipping meals is a major, major problem in our society!
Skipping meals, esp. in people with chronic health problems, will trigger a low blood sugar stress reaction. This will alert the brain via the carotid body that blood glucose is too low. If blood sugar drops too far, this may become a life-threatening condition. Sure, high blood sugar is a well-known problem. But low blood sugar is even worse in the short term. We will be seriously ill if our blood sugar drops too low!
The body is hard-wired to react to low blood sugar by activating the HPA axis – the adrenal stress system. Every time we skip a meal we trigger an adrenal stress reaction. In other words, when we don’t eat we do violence to ourselves from the side effects of adrenal stress hormones and neurotransmitters. I have already shown clearly how stress – regardless of the cause – creates a major problem for our gut health. Hypoglycemia also makes it impossible to digest your food by shutting off stomach acid. And yet most people don’t realize the stress they are causing to their gut and their genes by simply being “too busy” to stop and eat.
If you think about it, blood sugar stress (low blood sugar) is very likely one of the most stressful things that will ever happen to a person. Now I realize that things like divorce, illness, job changes, new babies, etc. are very stressful life events. But they don’t happen everyday. They create massive stress in our lives, but luckily these events are few and far between. The same is NOT true for a blood sugar problem.
Every single day since the moment we were conceived, our blood sugar rises and falls. If we fail to balance our blood sugar through proper food selection and eating frequently, then we create an enormous amount of adrenal stress every day! People who don’t eat enough or frequently truly are world-class adrenal junkies. And this can have disastrous consequences on our health and those whom we love.
Just look at how eating frequently changes behavior and digestive patterns, esp. in young children:
Sam is a four year old who has struggled with constipation and mood problems most of his life. When his mother spoke on the phone with me she said that he gets very irritable at times throughout the day and he has trouble sleeping. Also, his bowel habits have been very sluggish since he was two years old. Some days he has no bowel movement at all. Other times he has to sit on the toilet several times a day, sometimes for 30 minutes, before a bowel movement. Now you don’t have to be a doctor to know that is abnormal, esp. for a 4 year old.
Sam’s mom also tested his genes with 23andme.com and gave me a copy of his SNP report she ran through MTHFRSupport.com. He is homozygous (+/+) for COMT and (+) for MAO, and has several other methylation-related markers. I recognized the mood swings were caused by low blood sugar creating low dopamine in his frontal lobe. His digestive issues were being aggravated by this as well, since a brain without fuel will do a poor job of regulating the gut. Sam wasn’t eating frequently enough and he wasn’t digesting the food very well. This was making him constipated and ruining his attitude. And this needed to change.
To help prevent the drop in blood sugar throughout the day I instructed his mom to make sure he ate every 1.5 to 2 hours, avoiding sugars, grains and sweets that tend to cause reactive hypoglycemia. I also suggested Sam take a protocol of supplements to help his digestive system and regulate his bowel – things like magnesium-citrate, vitamin C, betaine HCl, probiotics, vitamin D3, and others. I suggested Sam follow this program for two weeks to determine how we would respond.
At our follow up phone consultation Sam’s mom was very excited. She related to me how the protocol “hit the nail on the head” and made improvements right away. Sam no longer struggles to have a bowel movement and his constipation was a thing of the past. He no longer had to sit on the toilet several times a day. The supplements were well tolerated and he was snacking throughout the day to prevent hunger.
And the best part was that his mood was so much better in just a couple weeks. Sam didn’t have the usual melt downs and tantrums he was accustomed to having. Instead he was focused, playful and a good listener – all signs that his dopamine levels and adrenalin levels were being properly managed.
The key to this case is to see that Sam optimized his genes – the COMT and MAO pathways – by treating his hypoglycemia. This in turn caused Sam to produce MORE dopamine at a steady rate throughout the day. Mom is happy because her little angle was acting like one. Sam was happy because he didn’t have to spend hours on the toilet. And it only took two weeks!
When we talk about COMT and MAO genes in the brain, what we are really trying to understand is whether the person has HIGH or LOW dopamine and catecholamines. The SNPs I look at in the COMT and MAO pathway are proven to slow the removal of dopamine and norepinephrine from the frontal lobe of the brain. This means people with COMT and MAO SNPs are used to having higher dopamine and noradrenalin in their brain. Just like anything in life, when you get used to having a high amount of something, it really hurts when your levels drop.
The problem with hypoglycemia is that it dramatically LOWERS the dopamine levels in the brain. People with COMT and MAO genes are genetically inclined to have HIGHER dopamine levels in the frontal lobe – all things being equal. Since they are programmed to work with HIGHER levels of dopamine, they are not equipped to handle a dopamine famine. The brain’s dopamine levels drop when our blood sugar drops. And the reason why is simple – insulin is required to make dopamine! (Ding! Ding! Ding!)
The Insuling/Blood Sugar and Dopamine Connection:
- Tyrosine, phenylalanine and tryptophan cannot pass the blood brain barrier (BBB). They must be transported across on what is called the Large Neutral Amino Acid transporter (LNAA). But just like a ferry boat crossing the river, there is only a set number of parking spaces and there is competition for those spots!
- When insulin is elevated after a meal, it makes us feel high because dopamine and serotonin levels rise. This is due to the fact that insulin helps tyrosine, phenylalanine and tryptophan find a parking spot on the LNAA ferryboat and cross the BBB river.
- Insulin does this by causing other amino acids to leave the blood stream, which opens up room on the LNAA transporter. In this way insulin makes it more likely that the precursors to dopamine and serotonin get into the brain.
- So when insulin is low we get the opposite problem. There is NO SPACE on the LNAA for tyrosine, phenylalanine or tryptophan so the brain doesn’t get what it needs to make dopamine or serotonin. Low insuline essentially STARVES the brain of dopamine and serotonin.
- This makes the brain SLOW DOWN and actually is the NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF BRAIN FOG. Without dopamine or serotonin you aren’t going to feel smart, sharp and have a good memory. Individuals with COMT and MAO genes will see the most negative change from low dopamine.
- All this low dopamine and serotonin will cause cravings for food and/or drugs like sugar and alcohol. And when you see people binging on cookies, cake, dessert, chocolate, wine, etc. all you are really seeing is a brain reacting to low dopamine. The body is simply craving the FASTEST method of raising insulin and raising dopamine – and junk food works well for that!
Keeping dopamine and adrenalin levels in a normal range requires prudent dietary habits. If we skip meals, our dopamine drops, cravings go up, anger goes up. To keep us alive our body secretes high amounts of adrenalin as our blood sugar drops. This excess adrenalin helps raise blood sugar rapidly, giving the brain what it needs to maintain homeostasis. While this adrenalin is helpful in raising blood sugar, there are negative side effects of these powerful, mind-altering stress neurotransmitters.
High dopamine and adrenalin levels from low blood sugar will make your life difficult at best and miserable at worst. Shaky, anxious, unable to focus, rapid heart beat, sweating, poor digestion, and more are some of the side effects of low blood sugar. So before treating genes, make sure you are treating the person. And treating the person means making sure that the right food is eaten, that the food is digested properly, and that the meals are frequent through the day. Skipping meals should be avoided at all costs in our modern, high stress society.
Looking at SNPs can be useful in treating chronic disease. There is no doubt about that. But SNPs can only be successfully treated by making sure that metabolic and neurologic health is supported as well. Meaning supplements can never fix a bad diet and bad habits.
So please, do yourself a favor! Make sure you eat frequently and support your digestion by using proven protocols that optimize your blood sugar and optimize your genes.
In Health,
Dr. Rostenberg
By studying the current peer-reviewed research, Dr. Rostenberg has discovered powerful, natural strategies to optimize brain function and heal your body. He can help you uncover the genetic or root causes of your health problem and find a natural solution! If you would like help with your blood sugar and digestion to improve your methylation and reduce/eliminate your symptoms, please contact Dr. Rostenberg at Red Mountain Natural Medicine today. Phone 208-322-7755. Email redmountainclinic@gmail.com. Website http://www.redmountainclinic.com
May I ask, why eggs are not allowed on the diet recommended ?
Hi Rachel! That is a good questions and one we get all the time in my practice. Eggs contain albumin which is a very protein-rich substance – lots of sulfur and histamine. Now don’t get me wrong – organic eggs are healthy food! But in patients with gut problems, digestive weakness, infections, skin rashes, and methylation imbalances (the kind of people I see in my practice every day) avoiding eggs often helps them improve faster. It doesn’t mean that eggs are bad (they’re not) or anything like that. The Modified Elimination diet is designed to be just that – an elimination of possible triggers. We typically recommend people avoid the eggs and other food on the avoid list for 4 weeks and then add them back in one at a time to see how the body reacts. Hope that helps. Dr. Rostenberg
Unbelievable – you are quite literally describing me. Hypoglycaemic for years and years, tried intermittent fasting to lose weight and help immune function, and have never felt worse. My nervous system is still recovering weeks later.
I’m homozygous for COMT (two of them), GAD, ACE, MTHFR and hetero for MAO. Also low carnitine on organic acids testing, so it seems I’ m unable to access fat stores between meals when blood sugar gets low. When I fast I can literally feel the stress hormones getting out of hand and I feel awful. I only figured all of this out last week after reading some Phoenix Rising posts and now your post only confirms it. I also notice I sleep better after a red meat meal….now it makes sense, the carnitine helps me access fat stores overnight to prevent hypoglycaemia. I have noticed this for a long time – fish or vegetarian dinners mean I sleep terribly.
Zinc, Mg, Bs and a Paleo-style diet have all helped the hypoglycaemia but I need to eat more frequently I think.
thank you for all the hard work your put in to write these articles, produce these videos – they are so helpful!
Hi Allison!
Thank you for your kind remarks. I am so glad this article has helped put some of the puzzle pieces together for you. I too have suffered from the ravages of hypoglycemia and nothing is worse than living in a constant state of stress and anxiety b/c of imbalanced blood sugars. Eating frequently, and taking the right supplements and lifestyle advice, will absolutely help move your forward. If myself or another member of my team may be of service in your quest for health, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
In Health,
Dr. Rostenberg
Allison I forgot to mention you should check out the protocol I use in my office for hypoglycemia. I’ve shared that on my webpage found here: https://www.beyondmthfr.com/hypoglycemia/.
Dr. Rostenberg
Hi there – as a type 1 diabetic I find this article fascinating.
I have a few thoughts rolling around on this – not least of all as my body doesn’t make insulin…. I’ve posted about them here: https://www.facebook.com/MySweetLife/posts/815632738489842
– but essentially I’m really curious to know how to overcome this if you don’t produce your own insulin. Coupled with whether injected insulin can do the same job.
I’m also really intrigued as to whether this means supplements like 5htp can’t properly be utilised in someone with type 1 *unless* they inject some insulin at the time of taking the supplement…?
(my train of thought being: 5htp is said to be best taken with a small amount of carbs; like a piece of fruit…. is this because in a non-diabetic the small amount of carbs will cause a release of insulin – and insulin will help the body utilize the 5htp….? Does this mean if anyone on insulin wanted to take 5htp, they’ would need to inject a little insulin when taking it….? Which leads me back to my question; does injected insulin work the same way in helping on this front? )
Would *love* to hear more about what you think….
Hi Nadia,
Thanks for checking out my website and asking a great question! Whether we are diabetic type 1 or not, insulin must be present in some quantity to make space on the LNAA that brings tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine into the brain. 5HTP is different as it can freely cross the blood brain barrier. 5HTP is one chemical reaction away from serotonin so its not the same as the three amino acids I talk about in the article. The problem with 5HTP is that if you take a high dosage of this nutrient, you may cause a deficiency in dopamine b/c both of them compete for the same enzymes in the brain. Excess 5HTP causes a reduction in dopamine synthesis.
So the answer is NO. People with type 1 diabetes don’t need insulin to utilize 5HTP. But excess 5HTP will create other problems if not carefully managed. Its best to make sure the body is breaking down and digesting properly, and then make sure insulin is adequate, to optimize brain function. Other vitamins and minerals are needed like methyl folate and B12 but that varies from individual to individual.
If you would like more help please contact my office 208-322-7755 and redmountainclinic@gmail.com. Hope that helps!
Yours in Health
Dr. Rostenberg
Wow! That describes means me to a tee and maybe my daughter too. Dr. Rostenberg. Where do I begin? What test would I take from 23andme? I have struggled with being just on the edge of hypoglycemia all my life but never in the range for my dr.s to help me. I have struggled with depression , ADHD and brain fog most of my life which makes parenting extremely tough. I try my best to stay away from sugars and carbs and eat frequently but it shard to always do and when I don’t, I fall “off the wagon” so to speak. Your suggestions and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Hi you are asking some great questions. I would suggest the place to begin is to contact my office 208-322-775 or redmountainclinic@gmail.com. By starting with a consultation we can save you time and frustration in sorting out your health challenges. Hypoglycemia is part of a much bigger picture of metabolic imbalance. It puts pressure on our sensitive genetic pathways and can cause a lot of unnecessary suffering. I am inviting you to work with me and my team so we can help you move forward faster.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Rostenberg
Thanks so much for your great reply!
I am super-curious to ask you more – I am in the UK so will email you to save me getting time differences 🙂
Thanks so much again,
I had had hypoglycemia and high cortisol for many years, but now I have low cortisol and hyperglycemia. My doctor have recently increased the dose of Hydrocortisone for me, and my blood sugar doesn’t go back down as easy as beofrel. I was wondering if I’m taking too much Hydrocortisone. How do I know if it is too much hydrocortisone for me?
Hi Quinny,
The question about hydrocortison is a difficult one to answer without more information. I have helped other patients improve their adrenal function which resulted in a drastic reduction in their need for hydrocortisone. Is that something that will work for you? Its hard to say without performing an in-depth history and review of your current symptoms and health challenges. I am encouraging and inviting you to contact my office at 208-322-7755 and redmountainclinic@gmail.com. We can work together and save you time and frustration, allowing you to get results in less time.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Rostenberg
Dr. Rostenberg,
Very informative article! I have COMT and MAO-A SNP’S. About a year and a half ago I quit all caffeine due to some health issues I was having with it. Almost immediately I started having panic attacks and continue to have them to this day. Is this because quitting the caffeine lowered my dopamine levels too much? I have noticed that on the few occasions where I have ingested even small amounts of caffeine it has always led to further panic attacks, usually within 3 days of ingesting the caffeine.
I have been thinking that with the COMT and MAO-A that I should further try and reduce my dopamine levels due to there being a potential excess of it in my system. But, are you saying that my system is ‘hard-wired’ to operate on higher levels of dopamine? I’m confused.
What would you recommend? Thanks for the great website!
What a great question you have asked! People with COMT and MAO-A SNPS are HARDWIRED to have higher-than-average dopamine in the brain. This is a trait they are born with. Think about it: if they are slower at removing Dopamine, then dopamine will build up in the brain, and they will have more dopamine rather than less. Panic is a sign of excess catecholamine activity – dopamine, norepinephrine and adrenalin. This means that something (infection, toxins, metals, stress, etc.) is triggering the increase in catecholamines. Most people who quit coffee feel LESS anxious not more. Caffeine is a stimulant that increases catecholamines, and so people with COMT and MAO-A SNPs who also drink caffeine have significantly more dopamine/adrenalin released after drinking coffee.
Because of your genes, your brain is used to having high levels of dopamine – its what it is accustomed to. Just like cold weather living, you get accustomed to wearing big jackets and many layers of clothes. Your brain is accustomed to dopamine in the same way; it expects dopamine to be high because your genes promote that. What happens is your brain becomes very sensitive to low dopamine. Just like always wearing a big jacket and lots of clothes, you wouldn’t feel comfortable if the temperature suddenly rose in the 80’s. Your brain also won’t like it when your dopamine that it is used to having, suddenly disappears.
I can’t say much more without more information about your health and history. If you would like more assistance on your quest for better health, then please contact my office! 208-322-7755 and redmountainclinic@gmail.com.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Rostenberg
Very informative! Question: you suggest eating frequently to stabilize glucose… What about restricting carbs and becoming fat adapted? I am compound heterozygous for both COMT’s and do very well on a ketogenic diet eating only twice. Do you see any potential problems with this?
Hi Sue,
Thank you for your comment! I suggest that it is in our body’s best interest to eat small, frequent meals throughout the day. Our ancestors did this, and it really can help reduce stress through our adrenal-liver-pancreas. Ketogenic eating is a brilliant way to stay healthy and age well. However eating 2 meals per day will put strain on your counter-regulatory system, ie it will make your body work harder and be more stressed out than necessary. It is a hassle to stop and snack every 2 hours, but there is really no substitute for that. If we eat then our body gets to rest. If we skip meals and fast, our body has to work harder and ultimately it will be forced to release stress hormones to get the job done. If I can be of more service please reach out and contact my office! 208-322-7755 and redmountainclinic@gmail.com.- In Health, Dr. Rostenberg
Wow I am so happy to read this. I have known for years that something was off in me. I only started putting stuff together when I had to take domperidone (blocks dopamine) to produce breasts milk. I then had a 23andme test done which showed i was positive for MTHFR, COMT and MAOI (don’t have the exact results in from of me at the moment). I have struggled on a regular basis with anxiety, low blood sugars, low body temp, fatigue, adrenal burn out, hair loss and low ferritin. I’m also very sensitive to caffeine. It has been my hair loss that let me to search for answers. I started a ketosis diet and I feel 10x better. The “keto flu” I suffered for 2 weeks was horrible but now I feel so good. I find myself afraid to eat carbs (I stick with vegetables). I do eat a lot of eggs which I feel great on. Should I consider cutting out eggs?
Thank you for this information. It’s so nice to find out that it’s not all in my head…well it kind of is…haha. I’m more motivated than ever to maintain my diet.
Hi Christine,
Thanks for your positive feedback! Eggs are a great food just be aware that eating the same thing every day for weeks on end can cause mild food allergies. So its best to rotate. Hair loss is often a reflection of high testosterone, turning into DHT causing male hair pattern issues. So keto diet helps with that because it lowers insulin which lower testosterone.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Rostenberg
Your explanation of COMT and MAO variants is different than anything I’ve heard, and I like it better so I hope it’s true! You describe it as a simple hardwiring for more dopamine, but I’ve always read that a mutation that means those of us with variants can’t break down neurotransmitters and have too much serotonin and dopamine floating around – making us nuts. I recently discovered I have low blood sugar, and I’m +/- for both COMT and MAO. I have hyper prolactinemia (too much prolactin), and the medication given (cabergoline or bromocriptine) simply raises dopamine so that prolactin drops (it works like a seesaw). This works like a charm for most, including me, but also pollutes the body with bromine. What I never could understand is how I’m supposedly hard-wired to have excess dopamine, but suffer from a condition that happens only if there isn’t enough dopamine. Your explanation fits in perfectly here if I’m hard-wired for MORE. I hope that balancing blood sugar could allow for more dopamine. I’m recovering from adrenal fatigue, having lived off adrenaline for so many years. Thanks for this article!
I have struggled with brain fog, forgetfulness, or asmy family likes to call them “blonde” moments, a feeling of disorientation, and fatigue since I was a teenager. I have been tested by doctors for everything under the sun, but they always say I am fine. My fasting blood sugar is always slightly low, my iron is also always slightly low. During my pregnancies I was borderline diabetic, and also severely anemic. I have noticed that I seem to be drug sensitive to things that effect dopamine levels. It is not realistic for me to visit your clinic, I live in TX, but am wondering about the genetic testing everyone keeps talking about. Where would I go to get these tests?
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for your comment. The best place to get your genetic test is either 23andme.com ($249) or AncestryDNA.com ($99). Either one will work. Then you have another company like MTHFRSupport.com process all the raw data in a useable and readable report. Then you contact my office and myself or my collegues will help you interpret your genetics and make sense of it all. Then you walk away with a strategy to use diet, nutrition, lifestyle and other natural tools to support your genes and optimize your life. Hope that helps!
In Health,
Dr. Rostenberg
I took a birth control yasmin back 2 years ago which since then I have put on nearly 30kgs and struggled with high states of anxiety, severe gluten intolerance, sugar drops (sometimes I faint), severe brain fog (confusion, moody, overwhelmed, IQ dropped) and high estrogen with all the symptoms that come with that aswell. It has been the most difficult time of my life and have been pushed back by doctors telling me my blood work is fine. But im not fine, everyday is a struggle. Do you have any advice for me? I read tyrosine will help but dont want to make things worse without 100% knowing it will be okay.
Hello Sev,
Thanks for your comment! Estrogen like the kind in birth control is a type of chemical toxin, often 100-500 times stronger than our natural human estrogen. What does estrogen do to the human body? It causes weight gain, water retention and changes how our liver, brain and other pathways operate. Gaining 30 kg is common in women who are pregnant; taking birth control produces the same chemical situation as pregnancy – high estrogen. The high estrogen from Yasmin is very likely still in your body creating many of your challenges. There are safe, effective and natural tools available to detoxify the estrogen and help your body get back into balance. If you would like help with that then please contact my office 208-322-7755 or care@redmountainclinic.com and we can create a personalized plan to help balance your body naturally. Hope that helps!
In Health,
Dr. Rostenberg
Thank you for the informative page. I am 53 and I have MAO-A and type 2 diabetes (recently got it) and I am following vegetarian diet. My belly fat increased as soon as allowed fat in my diet (dairy, nuts and fried vegetables). A nutritionist recommended me to supplement with Acetyl-L-carnitine. Do you think MAO-A individuals can supplement (and get benefit of) Acetyl-L-carnitine on daily basis?
Hi Salam,
Yes, acetyl-L-carnitine should be fine to take on a daily basis. Many people are deficient in this key amino acid. There is no conflict with MAO-A or diabetes issues.
In Health,
Dr. Rostenberg
my blood sugar isn’t ** low** its usually high in the morning fasted. Sometimes low, but mostly high. Which is odd as I don’t eat sugar, I get my carbs from green veggies only. nothing processed. no bread pasta, etc. BUT when I have done a glucose tolerance test , it goes high, the goes low, then back to normal range. ** I have all the symptoms you spoke on in the video about low sugar with the pics, but when I have tested my blood sugar at those times because I thought it might be low blood sugar, my blood sugar is normal…. Like just now many of those symptoms you say represent low blood sugar I just had, I checked my blood sugar, and its in normal range. Confused.
Hi D,
Low blood sugar describes the RATE OF THE DROP not the absolute number. So if your spike your sugars, then they drop quickly, that will produce the same symptoms as low blood sugar (below 65 mg/dl). Its the speed of the drop! Sounds like you could use some support for your adrenal-liver-pancreas systems. We help people with that type of issue every day. Call our office 208-322-7755 or care@redmountainclinic.com to get on a personalized care program to help move you forward!
In Health,
Dr. Rostenberg
Hello Dr. Rostenberg,
Individuals with Tourette Syndrome tend to have a higher than normal level of dopamine. There are some who suggest that a ketogenic diet (thus reducing glucose levels in bloodstream) have reduced the need to tic and have made them feel calmer. Can you explain to me the connection between glucose levels and dopamine please? Further, would you also suggest that those who have higher levels of dopamine might be misdiagnosed and may in fact, have hypoglycemia?
thank you!
I’m homozygous MTHFR 667 gene.
Am I should avoid folic acid in products and supplements? (heard somewhere that this form is slowing metylation cycle, is it right?)
And should I substitute it with 5MTHF (methyl tetra hydro folate)?
Which vitamins I should avoid?
I’ve started to take methyl b12, 5-MTHF, TMG, Taurine, PhosphotidylCholine…
After taking Taurine, Choline I have less pains in my gallblader area. Thanks for that a lot!
I’m taking HCl because I feel fatigue after meals, now I feel less fatigue. (I always thought I have had high stomach acidity!). Thanks for that too.
After taking metyl b12, 5MTHF I feel nothing. (Dosage is 2000ug /day; 5MTHF is 2mg/day).
I hoped I will have more energy, less fatigue, better concentration etc.
Should I increase dosages?
And I’m interested in genetic test from 23andme.com.
Could you pin here the link on that test. I can’t find this one on their website.
Thanks a lot!
Im a bit confused I have COMT V158M (+/-, AG)
▪ This variant is associated with intermediate levels of COMT activity (vs. AA and GG). There
is mounting evidence this variant contributes to the most balanced metabolism of
▪ May be protective against schizophrenia, and is associated with better outcomes in low
back pain compared to AA or GG types.
COMT H62H (+/-, CT) i
▪ This variant is likely associated with intermediate COMT activity due to reduced
expression relative to wild type (CC).
▪ The CT genotype was found to be protective for schizophrenia and had significantly better
outcomes in low back pain than CC or TT types.
Doesnt sound like a bad thing?
I also have MAOB rs1799836 (+/+*, C)
▪ This variant is associated with lower MAO B activity in the brain. – So wouldnt that mean I have lots of dopamine as you wrote earlier? If so, why do I have symptoms of low dopamine? Sometimes even after exercise, or meditation, I feel irritable, cranky.. angry… symptoms of low dopamine? if one has low brain Maob why would dopamine ever go low?
i would stick to keto, and fasting. thanks.